Dental implants

Dental implants are a realistic, strong and permanent way of replacing missing teeth. They can be used to replace a single tooth or a number of teeth, and can also be utilised as a much more comfortable and convenient method of keeping dentures in place.


Dental implants are a realistic, strong and permanent way of replacing missing teeth. They can be used to replace a single tooth or a number of teeth, and can also be utilised as a much more comfortable and convenient method of keeping dentures in place.

The implant is a small device, made out of titanium metal which acts like a tooth root. Your dentist will fix the implant to the jaw bone where it will fuse and remain in place.

The implant then creates a strong, permanent support for the replacement tooth. This tooth is shaped and coloured to match perfectly with your remaining teeth. It will be fitted as and when the implant is securely in place.


  • Aesthetics: Aesthetically we can make dental implants look like your natural teeth. They sit in the gum in the same way as a natural tooth.

  • No damage to remaining teeth: Unlike bridges or dentures, dental implants do not require support from other teeth.

  • Prevent bone loss: Having dental implants in the bone will stop the bone from shrinking. Therefore the implants maintain your facial support and structure.

  • Fixed: Dental implants are fixed in the mouth and so you never need to remove them once fitted.

Implants are undertaken under a local anesthetic, as with an extraction. When properly looked after, we expect them to last a lifetime. Maintaining them as you do your other teeth is important and your dentist will advise you on any specific requirements.